


在Gamescom開幕夜的活動中,Warhorse Studios與PLAION共同發布了《Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》的最新預告片,首次向公眾展示了遊戲玩法: https://youtu.be/8s6eRlkpXYI


這是對於預訂遊戲數位版和實體版的全球獎勵,玩家將獲得著名騎士Brunswick的傳奇裝甲和武器套裝。這套裝備使你在遠距離戰鬥中擅用長柄武器脫穎而出,近戰時則使用匕首,並全副武裝一整套板甲。此外,為你的高貴坐騎裝配一整套披掛(既具保護性又具裝飾性的布料覆蓋),裝飾以波希米亞紋章、酒紅色和金色的飾邊。因為在戰場上,展現你的風采絕對是可能的。此外,按照Warhorse Studios的經典風格,還有相關的任務。

《Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》將於2025年2月11日發行,玩家可選擇以下版本:

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》標準版:完整遊戲體驗。現在預訂即可獲得獅子紋章獎勵物品。
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》黃金版:每位貴族寶箱中的至寶,為系列愛好者或新手提供一切所需。此版包括標準版、擴展通行證和英勇獵人套裝:
    • 擴展通行證:包括三個即將推出的擴展及四季之盾等可解鎖的獎勵內容,於遊戲上線當天即可使用。
    • 英勇獵人套裝:無論是戴著St. Hubert的狩獵帽,使用Artemis的弩箭,還是穿著Nimrod的著名狩獵外套,這套完整的狩獵裝束是每位狩獵愛好者的必備品。

《Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》 是其前作的續集,為新玩家和長期粉絲都提供了一個完美的遊戲體驗。
重返15世紀的中歐波希米亞,這是一個充滿刺激的世界。在《Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》中,故事延續前作,玩家將化身為堅毅的鐵匠之子亨利,被捲入一場充滿復仇、背叛和自我發現的動盪冒險。
加入亨利在1403年的波希米亞尋求救贖和復仇的旅程,謹記:「 Audentes fortuna iuvat(勇者幸運)」!
《Kingdom Come: Deliverance II》 將於2025年2月11日在PC、PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X|S平台發行。

About Warhorse Studio 

Warhorse was founded in 2011 by industry veterans Dan Vávra, creator of Mafia and Mafia 2, and Martin Klíma, formerly of ALTAR. Combined creativity of the experienced team gave birth to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Saga - an open world, realistic, single player RPG set in medieval Czech Kingdom. Kingdom Come: Deliverance successfully released on 13 February 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and sold over 6 million copies. 


Warhorse Studios is a PLAION company. 

PLAION is a dynamic and diversified business in the global entertainment sector, masterfully crafting franchises that captivate audiences worldwide. Boasting a vast network of eight game development studios, fifteen regional publishing offices, three game publishing labels including Deep Silver, and PLAION PICTURES as an independent film publisher and distributor, the company extends its influence with merchandise production and expansive distribution capabilities across the globe.
Founded nearly three decades ago, PLAION has firmly established itself within the entertainment arena. With a diverse range of services and solutions, PLAION stands as the premier publishing partner for console and PC games across both physical and digital channels. Moreover, its strong foothold in the Virtual Reality (VR) domain highlights the company's commitment to varied gaming experiences.
PLAION is an Embracer Group company.